By Paul Edwards
June 23/24, 2019
Information Clearing
- Yogi Berra
experienced “deja vu, all over
again”. Marx revised Hegel,
saying history repeats itself first
as tragedy, then as farce. Bush
the Lesser, riffing on who to blame
for being fooled, got lost in his
trope. Now unctuous, obtuse Pompeo is
selling war on Iran, bringing all
three to mind.
You’d heard the one
about the Gulf of Tonkin LBJ pitched?
And the one about Iraqi WMD Step’nfetchit
Powell sold, ominously shaking a vial of
foot powder? And Obama’s somber rap
about “Assad gassing his own people”?
The question now is whether the American Public will do Charlie Brown to Lucy’s football trick again? Sophisticated tech makes it harder for psychos in power to just lie. They need plausible visuals to back their bullshit but, used to relying on lies alone, they’re not clear on the concept.
In the silly video
of Iran’s alleged tanker sabotage, a
blurred, ghostly boat bears men said to be
removing a dud mine from a tanker.
Did they place it, try to set it off, fail,
and hurry back? The tanker
crew--drugged or dead?--didn’t hear them
coming? At work..? A stealth
boat, eh?
The story is so
patently phony it sinks itself. It
would be comic if our Imperial Bozos were
not fixated on provoking war with a country
that, should an attack come, is able and
sworn to inflict grievous damage on its
attacker. Pompeo and Bolton are not
concerned. The War Machine needs them
and what they do because it needs its
America, under
geopolitically obtuse Presidents, has done
economic and military violence to many
poor, vulnerable nations.
Profitability has solidified this as its
only tactic, and even defeats--Afghanistan,
Iraq, Syria--are gagged down without
altering it. The reason is plain:
America is not a country in the sense of a
polity organized to benefit a people; it’s
a vast War Machine built to gorge itself on
the bounty of its citizenry. Outcomes
be damned: all that matters is the
continuity of its outrageous
fact--impossible for most Americans to
accept--makes them secondary victims of
Empire’s depredations. What is be
done? Nothing will induce a fuddled
people to unplug from the vast propaganda
web of entertainment, “news”, and social
media to which they’re addicted, so they
will continue to be rendered confused,
inert, lost, indefinitely.
Captivated and
sedated, they are not in a substantially
different state than animals raised to be
eaten. There is no satisfaction in
saying this, only sadness. To watch
an entire society of ordinarily good,
decent people being traduced and betrayed
by the government they’ve been schooled by
pious rot to trust is beyond appalling.
It may be a fact of evolution that all species have only a certain limited capacity for adaptation and that, when that limit is reached, failure and extinction must follow. Have we humans reached our limit? Are we done?
Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at:
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